I don’t sense God leading me to become a missionary. Is it selfish for me to send financial and prayer support and not go myself?
Can a family with severe food allergies become full-time missionaries? My spouse and two children under two years have a severe allergy to gluten (celiac disease).
Would someone with piercings or tattoos encounter problems on the mission field (in terms of culture or religion or from sending agencies)?
How do you explain the need for missions or the role of a missionary to family and friends who believe that “all paths lead to God”? They perceive missions as forcing our faith on others.
Is it acceptable for a missionary appointee (someone preparing for the field) to leave his current church and join a new one because of lack of support?
“I would love to work with church leaders of existing national churches overseas rather than planting a church myself. Is that possible?”
I’ve been wanting to become something similar to an administrative assistant for missionaries. Is this something that’s needed? If so, what skills are most needed? How would you recommend getting these skills?
How do I decide between becoming a missionary in a foreign country versus missions involvement from home?