About Us

AskaMissionary.com is a service of Mission Data International.


AskaMissionary.com exists to help prospective missionaries along on their journey to long-term mission service.

How It Works

Aspiring missionaries search or browse questions and answers that have already been published. Some send in their own questions and receive answers from our staff and volunteers. Missionaries, mission leaders, and mobilizers also contribute answers and use the site to help and encourage the prospective missionaries with whom they work.

The most helpful questions and answers are published on our website.


Missions Mobilizer John McVay started Ask a Missionary in 1998. In 2009 the website moved under M-DAT. McVay continues his involvement in the project as a volunteer of M-DAT As does Marti Wade who spent several years as Editor for AskaMissionary.com.

Thanks and Acknowledgments

Special thanks to Mark Orr for programming the original Ask a Missionary database in 1999 and to Tim Williston for the 2005-2008 web upgrades. Web programming after 2009 provided by M-DAT.

Ask a Missionary wishes to acknowledge help and encouragement over the years from Nate Wilson, Lindsay Goodier, Mike Boling, David Smith, Steve Hoke, Meredith McMahon, In His Image Medical Missions, and The Journey Deepens retreats.

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