Can teams going overseas together raise support collectively with each family drawing from the main pot?
Our mission agency told us to expect support raising to take 9-12 months. What should my husband and I do for income during this time?
What’s next if you dedicate yourself to the Lord and try to raise support for long-term missions but end up not being able to raise the funds?
I don’t sense God leading me to become a missionary. Is it selfish for me to send financial and prayer support and not go myself?
How do I decide between becoming a missionary in a foreign country versus missions involvement from home?
Is Missions Colonialism? How Can Missionaries Address Its Legacy While Proclaiming the Gospel? Read More...
How do you explain the need for missions or the role of a missionary to family and friends who believe that “all paths lead to God”? They perceive missions as forcing our faith on others. Read More...
“I would love to work with church leaders of existing national churches overseas rather than planting a church myself. Is that possible?” Read More...