I think God is leading me to work with the disabled and am exploring how I should prepare. What area of therapy would be the most useful? What is the greatest need on the field?

“Take the right steps.”

1. As best you know, prayerfully determine what you specifically feel called to do and where you think God wants you to serve, then contact a missions agency that works in that area and is looking for people with your gifts.

2. Get to know some missionaries personally to advise you.

3. Get into a larger church that has a strong emphasis on missions with either a full-time or volunteer missions coordinator and begin a relationship with such a person.

4. Go overseas short-term to gain experience.

5. Become active in your church. Do things that will prepare you. We always suggest to possible candidates that they should disciple 10 people in the USA before they think about going overseas. If you can’t do it at home you shouldn’t be overseas.

Answer from Ronald, who has served with Hope in View in Ethiopia for 12 years.

“Connect with the “Disabilities” group at Medical Missions.”

You can learn from and, if you wish, connect directly with others who work in this area through the disabilities group at Medical Missions

Listen to presentations from members like Rick Shurman, a physical therapist who provides PT in conjunction with with short-term mission teams. 

We also have answers online which are closely related to your question. Please click on the below question link to read those answers:

What training for missions should I get to serve people with special needs?

I’m just beginning university and I’m interested in healthcare.

How could I use overseas physical therapy, occupational therapy, pharmacy, community development, or public health?

Answer from the AskaMissionary.com staff.


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