What could I do with a business degree in missions overseas?

“Society needs the redemptive influence of Christians in the public sector.”

Business professionals are greatly needed. Sixty-five percent of the world’s population lives in places that are closed to missionaries. But they are open for business. Business people can gain access to these countries and bring disciple-making to the workplace.

People with a business degree can serve in three types of ministry/jobs. In business as missions you would go and operate a business with Christian principles. As a tent-maker you would use your skills as an employee in someone else’s business. You could also engage in development work, building into the community. And don’t just think poor communities either. Some development workers I know bring in medical professionals from the US to train doctors and nurses in the country where they minister. 

For many missionaries, a major initial task is building relationships. People in business have an instant and wide range of relationships and connections. They also spend a lot of time with these coworkers since most of our waking lives are spent at work. Society needs the redemptive influence of Christians in the public sector.

Answer from Amy, who has served with SEND International in the United States for eight years.

“Explore business as mission.”

If you feel that you have a call to business and to missions then there are many opportunities open to you. I’ve talked to some people that have set up businesses in overseas locations with multiple purposes: building a successful business, helping the local economy, and showing Christ’s love through their lives. There are plenty of opportunities for that.

The Business as Missions Network has a website full of great resources for people who wanting to be involved in missions and business. The resource section is full of articles and teaching that might help you along your journey.

Answer from Bill, who has served with Youth With A Mission for fourteen years, including ministry in Australia, Canada, East Timor, Fiji, Kenya, Switzerland, and Vanuatu.


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