Will I have to give up my hobbies and interests, or can they be used in missions?

“Anything can be used on the mission field!”

Absolutely, you can use your talents and hobbies on the mission field because they’re a gift from God! I never thought that my skills could be used on the mission field, but I was surprised when God called me to use them. It helped to get some well needed sponsors for the school where I was working. 

Also, it’s a good way to reach out to new Christians. There’s no better way in my opinion to connect with a nonbeliever than through a common interest. It can open up so many doors for you to spread God’s Word.

Answer from Kim in Florida, who has served in Mexico and the Dominican Republic.

Hobbies and interests open doors

People all over the world have hobbies and interests. Many do not have the resources to pursue those interests the way we do, but they do have the interests. They will connect with you and enjoy a conversation about the mutual interest.

I did leadership seminars in the mountains of Guatemala. One day, because the government was soon going to introduce electricity to the area, I gave an afternoon workshop on basic electricity and circuits. Even men in the small town who were not part of the seminar showed up to watch! I really regret not doing more practical hands-on workshops like that. It established a rapport with the guys at a totally different level.

And believe it or not, there will be days in your ministry that will stress out. A good relaxing hobby can help on those days!

Answer by David who currently lives in St Louis after ministering in Colombia and Guatemala for 20 years with One Challenge. He currently works with the M-DAT team.


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