How can I learn more about using microenterprise projects for missions in developing countries?

“Use these strategies for learning more.”

First, do an internet search on the words Christian microfinance or microenterprise and you will be able to learn about the philosophy and policies of some Christian organizations. For example, one that may surface is called This site recommended two books, the first an introductory one, and the second an intermediate book:

Christian Microenterprise Development: An Introduction by David Bussau and Russell Mask. This is short and written by two of the most respected individuals in the industry. It can be difficult to find, but do an online search for current availability.

Microfinance Handbook: An Institutional and Financial Perspective by Joanna Ledgerwood. An excellent, more rigorous and technical overview of secular microfinance. 

For an overview of microenterprise with insight observations, see the book Where There Are No Jobs, by David Befus.

Second, search for humanitarian organizations that engage in microenterprise work. For example, learn about the Garmeen Bank.

Third, check out local universities to see if they offer a course in microenterprise work.

Fourth, do something short-term with a microenterprise organization.

Lastly, if you are considering microenterprise service, don’t forget, you will need to have a passion for business, business skills, and business experience.

Answer from Ed, who served with SIM for 22 years in Nigeria, Liberia, and Eritrea.

“Look at this book, these courses, and web sites.”

Read Christian Microenterprise Development: An Introduction. Check out The Chalmers Center for Economic Development, which teaches modules on Christian microenterprise development. They offer live courses and also a distance-learning course on foundations and principles of holistic ministry. 

Answer from AskAMissionary staff

Have you considered helping nationals create  businesses which will support them and their ministries?

Another creative approach is helping national pastors and ministries develop local businesses which will provide them with income and funds for ministry as well as provide jobs for the local economy.

Casey Burnett with Entre-Missions is an example of a person doing this.

Where There Are No Jobs by David Befus has other examples.

Recommended by the AskAMissionary Staff


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