What is the most needed medical specialty on the mission field?

“Midwives are needed.”

Midwives are needed in most medical mission areas. Nurses are also in high demand, but positions for trained midwives or a nurse-midwives are usually critical positions and difficult to fill. 

There are many ways to become a midwife. A wonderful organization that provides training in a developing country and certification in the US is Newlife International School of Midwifery.

Answer from Candy, who has served with Newlife Ministries, Every Nation, and Steiger International in Asia, Africa, and the Americas for seven years.

“Primary health care workers and educators are needed.”

One of the biggest needs in medical missions is for educators: people to teach about basic health care like nutrition, dental, sanitation, clean water, etc. Many illnesses are preventable. Basic education can greatly assist communities and individuals to avoid them. Primary health care workers and educators can greatly help to reduce these illnesses through teaching and by treating basic illnesses. 

Health care educators will be most effective when also accompanied by nurses, doctors, dentists, ophthalmologists, and other health care professionals.

Answer from Bill in Canada, who has served with Youth With A Mission in Australia, Canada, East Timor, Fiji, Kenya, Switzerland, and Vanuatu for thirteen years.


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