How can I interest my children in becoming missionaries in the future, and even prepare them to do so?

Immerse them in interaction with internationals!

Want to raise up your kids as future global workers? Fill your home with friends who are serving globally. Put them at your table for meals, in your back yard tossing a ball with your kids, sleeping in the guest room — or the room one of your kids gave up for the night.

Keep in touch with them when they are in return to their home country through regular Facetime/ WhatsApp/ Zoom/ Email so tthat our kids don’t forget them.

Read missionary stories as a family and watch good mission movies. Put a world map on the wall and track where you have friends. Invite local internationals into your home for meals and family fun. In short, immerse your kids in a global world from day one. Then, if they do go global, release them with joy into God’s hands.

Elizabeth with SEND International spent 40+ years serving overseas as a church planter, media specialist, ESL teacher and lecturer at a Chinese university, and mentor and trainer of new appointees. Currently serving in an intensive three year training program for global ministry in her local church.


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