Which mission agencies can someone 18-21 years of age with a high school degree join and begin active service as a missionary?

“Ask about “mid-term” options.”

An increasing number of mission agencies with experience sending long-term workers and short-term workers now offer “mid-term” options which may last three months, six months, or one to two years. They aren’t all designed for young adults, but some are. Many function as internships, providing training and mentoring alongside opportunities to serve as a full member of a long-term mission team, and ease the way for those considering longer service.

After completing this kind of commitment you should have a better idea if you need addition training or a college degree or can continue serving without it. 

For one-to-two-year programs, check out Africa Inland Mission’s Inbound program and the Journey Corps program from World Venture, or ask an agency you know if they have something like that.

Beautiful Feet Bootcamp is a ten-month program combining for those called to long-term service among the unreached and designed to train them for the challenges that missionaries face; it includes six months in the US and four months in one of several international locations. 

Answer from AskaMissionary.com staff.

“There are many. Here are a few.”

Look at interdenominational agencies, including:

A number of denominations have opportunities, including Foursquare

Some agencies that focus on sending out career missionaries who are a little older may be able to work with you, especially if they offer training programs or internships.

Editor’s note: For a wide variety of short-term mission trip opportunities, visit ShortTermMissions.com. Some of the trips are in the 3-6 month or 1-2 year range. If you are looking for a short-term opportunity that might turn into a longer one, be sure to contact agencies that do both.

Answer from Lisa, who serves with International Teams (now called One Collective)

“Assemblies of God has assignments for 18-21 year olds.”

Missions involvement through the Assemblies of God can start as early as high school for short trips, with longer assignments following high school from ages 18-21. This age group often consists of study abroad opportunities through Engage where undergraduate credit hours can be awarded while living and ministering overseas. 

Assignments of up to eleven months have an endless range of interests and skills depending on what the missionary needs and what interests the volunteer.

Also, approximately 15,000 people take team trips overseas each year for construction, medical, evangelism, camps, and orphanage ministry to name a few.

Answer from Janice in United States of America, who has served with Assemblies of God World Missions for thirty years.

“Here is a mission organization focused exclusively on sending young people.”

The Antioch Center for Training and Sending exists to send young pioneering missionaries into the 10/40 window to plant houses of prayer and make disciples among unreached people groups. ACTS missionaries are 18-35 years old.  

ACTS includes an introductory five-month training school comprised of in depth biblical and theological training followed by a two-month outreach in the 10/40 window. Upon completion of this school, students can then continue the training process to become long-term (2+ years) missionaries amongst the unreached.

Answer from Kyla in Colorado, who has served with Antioch Center for Training and Sending for five years and spent time in Ethiopia and Nepal.


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