How should we think about money?

“See how a financial consultant, a support raising trainer, a mission pastor, and a mission mobilizer address this question and several others.”

The GOer Group videos are a free seven-lesson series addressing the major questions and barriers many encounter as they pursue cross-cultural ministry. Each video features insights and advice from experienced people who have either spent time on the mission field or have helped many people to get there. Though speaking to college students, many issues come up for those of all ages.

In this video, Chris, a financial consultant; Steve, a support-raising trainer; Dick, a missions pastor; and Andy, a mobilizer, address several questions:

1. How should we think about money? 
2. Do college students need a budget? 
3. Should students be giving now?
4. How should you handle student loans and other debt?
5. Why would someone choose to raise their personal support? 
6. What are common lies people believe about support raising? 
7. What are the advantages of support raising? 
8. What about tentmaking? 
9. What can students do now to prepare to raise support?


GOer Groups, Lesson 3: Finances, Debt, and Raising Support. These videos were produced by the Center for Mission Mobilization.



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