What Scriptures, prayers, and spiritual disciplines have best helped you deal with anxiety during the fundraising process?

“Read the “top five” verses in support raising.”

Steve Shadrach, author of “The God Ask” and founder of Support Raising Solutions, cites five sections of scripture that related to living on support:

Nehemiah 2:1-9 – The king’s cupbearer carefully plans and prays, lays it on the line, and waits for an answer. See how God works. 

Luke 8:1-3 – Jesus could have had riches at the snap of his fingers, but chooses to depend on God to provide for his needs through others. 

Luke 10:1-8 – Jesus sends his disciples out to go door to door for provision and a base for their ministry, considering them worthy of support. 

1 Corinthians 9:14 – Paul, defending his ministry, says depending on others is not just an awkward option, but the way things are meant to be! The Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel.

Philippians 4:10-19 – Paul was grateful that others met his needs, but he knew he could be content without. He asks not only for himself but for the blessing that giving has for those who give. 

Read the rest of what Shad has to say in The Top Five Verses in Support Raising.

Answer from Askamissionary.com staff.

“Read a lot, especially when you don’t have time to.”

Read the Gospels. Start with John. I know that seems oddly specific, but for me at least, it helped while raising support. It also seems like a lot to read when you are supposed to be meeting with people during every waking moment, but trust me, spending time with God (followed closely by time with accountability partners) is going to make you a better person and that is more important than meeting more people.

I say it is more important because reading the Gospels and continuing in Christian accountability keeps you focused on why you are doing this ministry. It reminds you that Jesus is worth it and gets you through the hard times and gives you focus in the good times.

When they give, your future supporters will give towards your vision. Your vision will be their inspiration and motivation to be a part of your ministry.

Make sure that vision is a God-honoring and God-centered vision.

Answer from Maclain in Texas, who has served with Pioneer Bible Translators for two years.

“Stand on his promises.”

I have found the following verses to be particularly helpful during seasons in life when I have felt anxious, fearful, or overwhelmed.

“For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” Isaiah 41: 13

“With His LOVE, he will CALM all your fears. He will exult over you by singing a happy song.” Zephaniah 3:17

“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, whose thoughts are fixed on you!” Isaiah 26:3

I strongly recommend writing out or typing up these verses and others that God gives you and posting them where you will see them on a regular basis. Read them out loud and say them in the first person. Take your negative, fearful, and doubting thoughts captive and submit them to the TRUTH of the WORD!

Answer from Rebecca in Missouri, who grew up as a missionary kid in Latin America and now does mission mobilization.


God’s incredible faithfulness

The lesson I have learned the most during the 40 years we have been in missions is His incredible faithfulness. The tendency is to think that it is about us, but it isn’t. He calls us and with that comes His commitment/responsibility to provide for us.

He is the one who moves people’s hearts, and He does. He is more interested in your going and your being His witness than you are!

That doesn’t mean you don’t have to do your part; you do. And it will stretch and grow you if you are not a natural Influencer. But you will exit the other side with greater confidence in God than when you began.

You are offering people a chance to partner with you and what God is doing. It is way bigger than you.

Be yourself. Some raise support family by family. Others friend by friend. Others business person by  business person. Others church by church. Use who you are, your strengths, as the core of your strategy. Do the others as well, but keep going on what is you.

Support development is a life long process. It will continue until you leave missions. It may take you a bit longer on the front end, but it will fit better and wear more naturally over time.

In our case, I played the more public role and my wife kept the connections alive through her correspondence role. She is really the one who kept us supported for 40 years.

What overcame anxiety and doubt for me? Reading missionary biographies! Hearing of God’s amazing faithfulness in the lives of others melts my doubts.


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