Articles and Books Related to Missions Training


Can God Really Use Me? (Syzygy Network). In a world where it seems everyone needs to be highly qualified, can God use anyone?

Are You at a Disadvantage without Formal Language Training? by Josh Frazier (OSCAR). Some options for informal training as a language learner.

Books - Spiritual Preparation

Missionary biographies show you how God has worked in the lives of others and will greatly encourage you in your journey to the nations.

Spiritual Equipping for Missions: Thriving as a Mission Bearers, by Ryan Shaw (IVP Books). Unpacks how we can partner with God to experience Jesus’ transforming power and presence, with practical insights for praying, growing, and persevering as God’s servants in the world.

Victory Over the Darkness: Realizing the Power of Your Identity in Christ, by Neil T. Anderson (Regal). Emphasizes the truths of Scripture as a base from which to renew our minds and fend off Satan’s relentless attempts to convince us that we are less than Christ empowers us to be.

Spiritual Warfare for Every Christian: How to Live in Victory and Retake the Land, by Dean Sherman (YWAM Publishing). A must-read, no-nonsense, both-feet-planted-on-the-ground approach to the unseen world.  

For additional mission resources including blogs, podcasts, events, courses and videos that relate to this topic see our complete mission resources page.

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