MisLinks. Explore this web-based directory focused on offering diverse helpful links to web-based resources for missionaries, mission pastors, teachers, researchers, and students of mission.
Missiology.org. Resources for missions education, including a dictionary of missiological terms, a discussion of essential mission tasks, and more, from Dr. Gailyn Van Rheenen, Professor of Missions at Abilene Christian University.
World Christian Resource Directory. Resources from A to Z for missionaries and Christians worldwide.
Mission Finder. Includes a section with resources for missionaries includes links to help you find services, equipment, and more, as well as a searchable database of mission opportunities.
OSCAR UK Information Service for World Missions. Includes information on a whole array of resources for missionaries and overseas workers. Every UK reader should especially look at the section for future missionaries.
Brigada. Weekly e-newsletter with information about mission-related events and resources; all items archived on website.
Operation World. A guide to praying for every country of the world, with facts and data about each nation and its peoples.
Joshua Project. Lists and profiles of the people groups of the world that have the least Christian presence in their midst and resources to encourage pioneer church-planting movements among every ethnic people group.
Peoplegroups.org. Search for information about thousands of people groups by name, country, religion, language or status of evangelization.
UPG North America. Search for information about hundreds of people groups in the United States by name, location, population, etc.
Global Prayer Digest. A daily prayer guide for unreached people groups around the world, available by email or print as well as on the web.
World Christian Database. Provides comprehensive statistical information on world religions, Christian denominations, and people groups.
Prayer Cast. Access hundreds of prayer videos for people groups, countries and specific themes all designed to activate world-changing prayer.Â
Go.Serve.Love. Read fascinating stories and tips from those who have gone out as well as from those who are in the pipeline.
Perspectives Next Steps. A resource center for alumni of the Perspectives course, with encouragement for those who mobilize, pray, send, welcome, or go.
TheNations.us highlights suggested next steps for those who want to reach the unreached.
The Journey Deepens. Weekend retreats for prospective missionaries.
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