God has raised up a great number of mission events, mission casting courses and unique missionary training programs all geared at mobilizing and equipping believers to pursue God’s global mission. Explore the opportunities available to prepare and equip yourself for long-term success on the mission field.
A list of missions events, primarily those in North America, is compiled by Missions Catalyst. Mission courses and events in the UK are listed by the UK world mission information service, OSCAR. Both also list some global events. Subscribe to the Brigada Today e-newsletter to read about upcoming events soon after they are announced.
Consider weekend retreats to deepen your relationship with Jesus and explore how you could become a missionary.
For missions conferences with thousands of attendees and many agencies look at:
Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, provided by the U.S. Center for World Mission in cooperation with local churches, is a semester-long course offered in many cities across the U.S. and around the world. Also available online and in week-long intensives.
Two courses with similar content and purposes are Kairos and Pathways to Global Understanding.
Kingdom Expansion 101, provided by DualReach, is a six-session online intro-to-missions course designed with church mission leaders and volunteers in mind. You can work through it individually or with a group.
Other small group studies include:
Some people who want to serve cross-culturally go to Bible school and/or seminary first, though this is not always necessary. For various perspectives on what kind of training missionaries need, see the training section of AskaMissionary.
Graduate or undergraduate degrees in missions (sometimes known as intercultural, international, or global studies) are available from schools such as these:
Ethnos360, formerly New Tribes Mission, is one of the few mission agencies to run its own, full-length training schools, attended not only by their members but also by those with similar needs and interests.
Know of other mission blogs or podcasts that others would benefit from? Share them with us at: info@mdat.org
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