Community Development Agencies

General Community Development Work

General Community Development work is a broad area in which many international and governmental agencies are involved. Those agencies have produced a lot of literature and resources which can be very helpful. For that reason we have included links to a lot of such agencies below.

The International Association For Community Development

Standards for International Community Development

Practice Insights Magazine

Resources, blogs, case studies

GVI Global

Volunteer, internships, positions around the world in conservation, plus online courses.  GVI Global International Community Development

BIOLA University

Minor in International and community development

Columbia International University

At times they have had a minor in International Community Development.

Palm Beach Atlantic University

M.S. in Christian Studies & M.S. in Global Development (Dual degree)

International Development Major – Univ of Vermont

This major includes a successful International Program with projects in Peru and St. Lucia that continue working with the same communities year after year. Its strength comes from the integration of a student’s individual interests into multidisciplinary teams that include both UVM students and faculty as well as community partners in the places we work.

International Volunteer HQ

Volunteer abroad projects.

Plugging volunteers into educational, community, English teaching, etc. opportunities around the world.

Definitions of Community Development

Intentional collective actions to improve social, economic, physical, and environmental well-being, while preserving valuable aspects of the culture of a particular geographic area.

Agricultural Work


An interesting list of Muslim, Hindu, Catholic, Christian groups working in agriculture around the world.


FARMS International is a Christian ministry that serves the church by equipping families in poverty with the means for self-support. Working through the local church, FARMS provides loans, technical support for income generating projects and spiritual training for families.

Food for the Hungry

Food for the Hungry (FH) is a Christian organization focused on community development with the goal of helping communities escape extreme poverty in approximately 10 years. With operations in over 20 countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean, the organization focuses on all forms of human poverty, addressing physical, spiritual, and relational needs of vulnerable people, especially children. Their work includes efforts to reduce malnutrition and improve food security, to enhance resilience to shocks, and improve livelihoods among vulnerable households. FH helps local farmers implement new techniques to successfully grow enough produce and raise livestock to feed families and earn additional income. FH also collects farming and gardening tools as donations to farmers in beneficiary communities. The organization began in 1971 and operates out of Phoenix, Arizona. (98% of our staff work in their country of origin)

Manos Unidas

Manos Unidas (United Hands) is a Catholic organization based in Spain. Manos Unidas focuses on raising awareness about the issue of hunger and poverty, its consequences, and possible solutions. The organization works in Africa, Latin America, and Asia, prioritizing isolated communities in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. In these communities, they seek to improve agricultural production capacities, diversify income sources, increase access to water and sanitation, and promote better nutritional practices. They also offer support by providing technical training in agriculture to introduce best practices, mitigation, adaptation, and productive resilience strategies in the face of climate change. In 2018, Manos Unidas invested over EU€36 million (US$40 million) to benefit 1.5 million people affected by hunger in Africa, the Americas, and Asia.


Tearfund is a British Christian relief and development agency. With its focus on reducing poverty worldwide, TearFund supports initiatives that help communities produce more food in environmentally sustainable ways without the need for expensive chemicals or machinery. TearFund works through local churches, using them as catalysts for action. Their seven keys to ending hunger include developing profitable farming models; promoting sustainable farming techniques; preventing and controlling all forms of malnutrition; building communities resilient to disasters; providing emergency support in times of crisis; and promoting equality. 

World Hunger Relief

World Hunger Relief, Inc. (WHRI) is a Christian organization based in Waco, Texas. WHRI is committed to the alleviation of food insecurity and malnutrition through sustainable agriculture and community development. WHRI is fighting hunger globally by training interns to be agricultural missionaries, leaders of anti-hunger organizations, educators, and sustainable farmers who can effectively address the issues of hunger in their communities in 20 countries and four continents. In the U.S., WHRI works in partnership with Waco Family Health Center clinics offering a vegetable prescription program to populations vulnerable to food insecurity and malnutrition. They also host several educational programs focusing on sustainable agriculture, environmental responsibility, and world hunger issues.

World Vision

World Vision is a global Christian humanitarian organization working in nearly 100 countries. While its focus is child health and wealth, World Vision works closely with communities to fight hunger and food insecurity. Their projects help communities increase agricultural productivity through improved seeds and practices, ensuring access to markets, teaching families about nutrition, resources management, and integrated farming systems. They also help farmers organize associations and cooperatives to increase bargaining power, market, and credit access. 

Echo – Hope Against Hunger

Equipping, training, seeds,

Self-sustainable solutions for the small farmer.

Field of Hope

We strive to develop agricultural knowledge and enthusiasm among youth and smallholder farmers to develop communities to be both nutritionally food secure and economically empowered.

People International

They have some work in agriculture etc.


Animal Husbandry Veterinary Service

Educational Service

TESL – teaching English overseas is a wonderful way to help people in developing countries since many of the International Agencies in each country need personnel who speak English and the international business world and the tourism industry often function in English. Many Universities provide training in ESL and TESL.


Teaching in a Missionary Kids School – there are many opportunities to teach overseas in International Schools as well as in Missionary Kids Schools. For openings see MissionNext and ACSI.

Teaching in an International School

If you are a certified school teacher and wish to teach in a private international school, here are some websites that can help you:

International Schools Database

Teaching in International Schools Overseas

List of International Schools Worldwide by City

List of International Schools

Disaster and Relief Work

Stories and examples of disaster and relief work:


Websites about disaster and relief work:


Articles, books, and podcasts about disaster and relief work:


Conferences and workshops about disaster and relief work:


Organizations who will help you find disaster and relief opportunities:

Most of the following groups have full time staff overseas. You would have to look at their websites and contact them directly to get a better feel for what may be possible. Note: There are some secular and non-Christian agencies included in these lists.

Samaritan’s Purse

Convoy of Hope

Operation Blessing

World Vision

World Relief

Children’s Hunger Relief Fund

Top Christian Disaster Relief Organizations A broad list of organizations have good established reputations.

Disaster relief organizations recommended by Galaxy Digital.

Global Corps list of relief and medical agencies

Samaritan’s Purse World Medical Mission

Editor’s note: If you are aware of other agencies and resources that would be of value to our audience, please email us at

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