Eight Ways to Know God’s Will, and Three Things to Do about It, by Paul Borthwick (adapted from How to Be a World Class Christian; Urbana). While there is no formula for knowing God’s will, here are some of the things he uses to show you the big picture.
Knowing God’s Will, by Robert B. Munger (Into Thy Word). The call of Jesus is first and always to himself, to walk with him and be at his side. His first call is not to a particular mission or movement. Rather, he says, “Follow me.”
An Unbalancing Act: World Evangelization, by Justin Raby (Urbana). More Christians must make it their ambition to preach the gospel in places where Christ has not been named.
What to Do When Parents Say No (The Traveling Team). More than a dozen helpful suggestions for understanding and responding to parental objections.
When Family Objects, by Rebecca Hickman (The Traveling Team). Finding ways to honor your parents while following what you believe to be God’s will. Includes lessons from the life of John Mott.
The Local Church: Failure, Foe, or Friend in the Great Commission? by Paul Borthwick (Mission Issue Articles, Pioneers). There are plenty of problems in the local church, but it doesn’t give any of us the freedom to avoid the local church to do our own thing. Â
The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For?, by Rick Warren (Zondervan). A guide to understanding that you were made by God and for his purposes.
Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God, Revised and Expanded, by Henry and Richard Blackaby and Claude King (B and H Publishing). A modern classic on how God is working in the world today and how we can join him in his work (not the other way around).
Live Life on Purpose, by Claude Hickman (Book Villages). Finding your life purpose only makes sense in the context of God’s plan to reach the world. Discover the part you were meant to play in God’s epic plan.
How to Be a World-Class Christian: Becoming Part of God’s Global Kingdom, by Paul Borthwick (Authentic). World-class Christians pray world-focused prayers; live lifestyles of stewardship, sacrifice, and solidarity with the poor; and are committed to both local witness and world evangelization.
I Want to Make a Difference Now: Your Bridge to Global Impact, by Don Parrott (Next Step Resources). Addresses obstacles that keep adults from Christian mission work, and features more than 50 inspiring and amazing stories of those who have left North America for mission service in other countries.
Mission Smart: 15 Critical Questions to Ask before Launching Overseas, by David L. Frazier (Equipping Servants International). This book is designed to help mission workers and those who would send them recognize gaps and issues that need to be dealt with in appointment, preparation, placement, and care.
Global Mission Handbook: A Guide for Crosscultural Service, by Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor (IVP Books). A practical guide to preparing for a life of cross-cultural ministry, with resources on spiritual preparation, cross-cultural skills, and hands-on ministry training, and selecting a mission agency.
On Being a Missionary, by Thomas Hale (William Carey Library). Drawing on his years of experience as a veteran missionary to Nepal, as well as the input of many others, Dr. Hale deals with the problems, struggles, and failures missionaries often face.
Encountering Missionary Life and Work: Preparing for Intercultural Ministry, by Tom Steffen and Lois McKinney Douglas (Baker Academic). Manual practical guidance regarding getting ready for the mission field and the realities of life on the field.
I Think God Wants Me to Be a Missionary: Issues to Deal with Long Before You Say Goodbye, by Neal Pirolo (Emmaus Road International). Helps missionary candidates look closely at scores of issues that should be clarified long before they say goodbye.
Scaling the Wall: Overcoming Obstacles to Missions Involvement, by Kathy Hicks (Authentic). Personal stories from missionaries in many organizations about how God overcame their fears and obstacles and met their needs in ways they never could have expected.
For additional mission resources including blogs, podcasts, events, courses and videos that relate to this topic see our complete mission resources page.
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