We Were Missionary Kids. Here’s What my Parents Did Right, by Rebecca Skinner (Go Serve Love). Explores the importance of inviting your children into your missions adventure and being mindful of their needs as well as kingdom needs.
Single Missionary Issues: Loneliness, by Ronald Koteskey (Missionary Care). Part of a collection of articles about issues singles in missions often face.
Must Singles Be Lonely? Advice for the Mission Field, by Nairy Ohanian (Urbana). Truths about loneliness and strategies for navigating it when living single on the field.
What Missionaries Ought to Know about Aging Parents, by Ronald Koteskey (Missionary Care). Being far from home can increase the tensions and struggles anyone might face in caring for aging parents. Â
Parents of Missionaries: How to Thrive and Stay Connected When Your Children and Grandchildren Serve Cross-Culturally, by Cheryl Savageau and Diane Stortz (Authentic). A counselor’s professional insight and a parent’s personal journey teach parents/grandparents of missionaries to understand missionary life, stay connected long distance, and more.
Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds, Revised Edition, by David C. Pollock and Ruth E. Van Reken (Nicholas Brealey Publishing). Examines the TCK experience and its effect on development, identity, and readjustment.
For additional mission resources including blogs, podcasts, events, courses and videos that relate to this topic see our complete mission resources page.
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