If I raised donations for ministry and now God is leading me in a different direction, is it possible to get the previously donated money back to be used in a different ministry? February 26, 2019
What do missionaries think about bribery and how do they respond when they are expected to pay bribes and “special fees? February 26, 2019
How much time and energy should a missionary expect to put into communication with people back home? February 26, 2019
Where do missionaries get money to live on when they return home after serving or between assignments? Do you ask supporters to continue to provide for you? February 26, 2019
Can someone become a missionary if they have credit card debt? What about student loans or other financial obligations? February 26, 2019
Do missionaries continue to tithe? If so, do they take that out of the money given by others to support their ministry? February 26, 2019
In many countries, the cost of living is less than at home. How do I justify a seemingly large support figure to supporters? February 26, 2019